Every other Sunday night we meet with a group of friend's and have supper and then a Bible study. This past Sunday, instead of doing the Bible study, they had a diaper shower for us.

Keagan didn't understand why Karter needed so many diapers. I told him babies use lots of diaper and he would need even more diaper than we got at the shower. We got a great start on diapers and wipes from a wonderful group of friends. Thank you so much!
My mom was here this past weekend too. On Friday, my mom, Cecil, and his grandad painted the bedroom we are moving Keagan into. On Saturday, my mom painted our front bathroom while Cecil, his dad, and grandad got Keagan's bed and toys moved into his new room. Sunday morning while I went to church my mom and Cecil painted the hallway. I started painting in the summer and got the laundry room painted and base boards in our front bathroom and hallway painted before I found out I was pregnant and couldn't paint anymore. I am very thankful for my mom, Pa Charlie, and Cecil finally finishing what I started. I want to paint our bedroom and bathroom and the living room, but it will have to wait until after Karter is here.
I go back to the doctor on Tuesday. I am hoping Karter has not turned back around. I am also on Spring Break next week and hope to get more things ready for Karter.
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