Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Mr. Gattis and Baby Update

My goal over Spring Break is to get Keagan to sleep in his own bed. I know he is about to be 4 and should not still be sleeping with us. We have been talking to him about how he is about to be 4 and being a big brother so he has to be big and sleep in his own bed. We started Sunday night. I was trying to be like "Supernanny" and make him stay in his bed and not talk to him. He cried and had a very big fit after he woke up from being asleep for about an hour. Cecil gave in and slept with him the rest of the night in his bed with him. Monday night Cecil slept with him again. I told him Keagan would sleep anywhere as long as someone is sleeping with him. We had made a deal with him if he slept in his own bed all night for 3 nights we would by him the Cars movie. That didn't seem to matter. Yesterday we told him we would take him to Mr. Gatti's if he slept all night in his bed. Yesterday he did not take a nap so about 8:30 I told him it was time to go to bed. I read him three books and he was asleep before 9:00 with no fighting. I laid down after getting him to bed because I was preparing myself to not get much sleep. I didn't sleep well because I kept thinking he would be waking up anytime. He slept until 2:30 and then I heard him calling me on the monitor. He told me he wanted to go to our bed. I told him no, it was still night time. He went to the bathroom and I reminded him about going to Mr. Gatti's. He got back in his bed and slept until 5:30. He woke up again and said he wanted to go to our bed. I showed him the clock radio with the time on it. I explained that if it was a school day, when the 5 turned to a 6 it would be time for me to get up. I told him since he had been so good and it would be close to time for me to get up if it was a school day I would let him get in the bed with us. I also did it so I could get a few hours of sleep since I had not slept well all night. We have made a deal with him that he has to sleep in his bed tonight if he wants to ride with Potsey to the John Deere House tomorrow to take a tractor to be worked on. Also after he has slept 3 nights in a row we will get him the movie. Since he did such a good job last night, we took him to Mr. Gatti's. I am just hoping by Sunday he will be sleeping through the night so I can sleep good when I have to go back to school.

crazy boys eating lunch

When Keagan goes to Abilene, my parents usually take him to Primetime. He likes to drive a motorcycle. I don't know if this is the same one as Primetime (Keagan said it was), but he drove this several times.

He made a friend with this little girl when playing in the playground area. They played for about 15 minutes together. I told him I wanted to take his picture and she got up there with him.

He also likes to play Deal or No Deal at Primetime. He played this several times today too. Then Cecil and I had to have a turn too. Cecil won 45 tickets and I won 100!

The toys he picked from the tickets he won.
Update on Karter: I went to the doctor yesterday. He was still head down and Dr. Killeen said everything looked good. I go back next Wednesday and we can schedule the date we want to induce. We are going to tell him we want to induce on the 6th if he doesn't come on his own before then.