Wednesday, July 14, 2010

3 months

WARNING-If you only like to look at pictures, there are none in this post! The battery on my camera is dead and I can't get it to come out to charge it. I am already a week late with the post, so I will have to add the pictures later.

Karter turned 3 months last Thursday. Here are some things about my sweet baby boy:
-not sure how much he weighs but I am guessing almost 15 pounds, he doesn't go back to the
doctor until his 4 month check-up next month
-continues to eat about every 3 hours during the day
-still hates to burp
-is sleeping through the night!, usually goes to bed around 10:00 and has been sleeping until
about 6:00 most mornings
-he is napping good most days now that I am letting him sleep on his stomach
-still wearing Size 1 diapers although we only have 1 1/2 packages left from all the diapers we
got, so he will be moving up to Size 2 soon
-still wears 0-3 months clothes
-enjoys being in his swing, bouncy seat, and bumbo as long as he can see someone, he doesn't like
to be by himself
-LOVES to be talked to and to talk back
-smiles all the time
-tolerates tummy time for a very short period of time
-likes to suck on his hand-usually his pointer finger and thumb if he doesn't have his pacifier, we
quickly pull the hand out of his mouth and stick the paci in because we can eventually take the
paci away easier than his hand
-has out grown colic!, there are some nights when he is fussy, but it is just a normal fussy baby, I
am so glad to be past that

Hopefully I can get the battery out of my camera and post some pictures soon.